Science and Sustainable Food Systems in Southeast Asia – Challenges and Ways Forward

Science and Sustainable Food Systems in Southeast Asia – Challenges and Ways Forward July 5, 2021  Science and Sustainable Food Systems in Southeast Asia – Challenges and Ways ForwardConvened by the International Life Sciences Institute Southeast Asia Region (ILSI SEA Region), the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), the Academy of Food and Nutrition-Indonesia Academy of Sciences…


Bingung cara menulis artikel ilmiah? Harus publikasi dalam waktu dekat? Nulis jurnal ribet!  Siapa bilang menulis jurnal itu susah!Yuk ikuti Bootcamp Pelatihan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah dari Draft sampai Submit yang diselenggarakan oleh Swiss German University (SGU) bekerjasama dengan Perhimpunan Penggiat Pangan Fungsional dan Nutrasetikal Indonesia (P3FNI) Peserta akan dibimbing dari draft hingga submit, bersama ketiga pemateri dari…


Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University delightfully present International Food Conference 2021 (IFC 2021). IFC is a conference carried on once every five years since 2011. The topics of this year’s IFC will emphasize the role of food as one essential contributors to the combat against COVID 19. The scopes of the…

The 6th IC-FANRes 2021

The 6th IC-FANRes 2021 “Empowering Local Agriculture and Natural Resources for Global Market in the Post Pandemic World” Virtual Conference, Hosted by SGU Alam Sutera Campus, Prominence Tower, Jalan Jalur Sutera Barat no 15, Tangerang, Indonesia 4-5 August 2021We would like to inform you that we open the abstract submission batch 2 until 10th June. Important dates below!May…